
Deploying the Kubernetes Dashboard: A Comprehensive Guide

Deploying the Kubernetes Dashboard: A Comprehensive Guide

The Kubernetes Dashboard is a web-based interface that allows users to deploy containerized applications, manage cluster resources, and troubleshoot applications within Kubernetes. It provides a visual overview of applications running on your cluster and capabilities for detailed management of Kubernetes resources such as Deployments, Jobs, and DaemonSets.

Installing the Kubernetes Dashboard Using Helm

The Kubernetes Dashboard is not deployed by default and is recommended to be installed via Helm for better management of dependencies:

# Add the Kubernetes Dashboard repository
helm repo add kubernetes-dashboard https://kubernetes.github.io/dashboard/

# Deploy the Kubernetes Dashboard using the Helm chart
helm upgrade --install kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard --create-namespace --namespace kubernetes-dashboard

Accessing the Dashboard

Access to the Kubernetes Dashboard is secured by default with minimal RBAC configurations. Currently, it supports logging in using a Bearer Token. After deployment, you can access the Dashboard via a proxy that is established using the following command:

kubectl proxy

This makes the Dashboard available at:


Note: Access is restricted to the machine where kubectl proxy is executed, and the Dashboard does not support external identity providers or X.509 certificate-based authentication currently.

First Steps in the Dashboard

Upon accessing a new Kubernetes Dashboard, you'll be greeted with a welcome page which includes options to deploy your first applications and manage system applications defaulting in the kube-system namespace.

Deploying Containerized Applications

The Dashboard simplifies application deployment:

  • Application Deployment: Deploy a new application using a simple wizard that asks for the application name, container image, and the number of pods.
  • Advanced Options: Specify service types, port mappings, and additional metadata like labels (release=1.0, tier=frontend) and descriptions. Advanced settings also allow for setting resource limits and configuring privileged mode operations.
  • Uploading Configurations: Alternatively, deploy applications by uploading YAML or JSON configuration files directly through the Dashboard.

Managing Cluster Resources

The Dashboard provides detailed views and management options for various Kubernetes objects:

  • Workloads Overview: View and manage different kinds of workloads such as Deployments, StatefulSets, and ReplicaSets. You can scale deployments, initiate rolling updates, or restart pods directly from the Dashboard.
  • Service Management: Configure internal and external services, view endpoints, and manage ingress settings.
  • Storage and Configurations: Manage PersistentVolumeClaims, ConfigMaps, and Secrets. The Dashboard allows editing configurations directly and securely managing secrets.
  • Namespace and Access Control: Manage namespaces and access controls seamlessly. Create and select namespaces, and manage access using image pull secrets and RBAC settings.

Monitoring and Logs

  • Logs Viewer: Access logs for any container in the cluster directly from the Dashboard, aiding in quick troubleshooting and monitoring.
  • Resource Usage: Monitor CPU and memory usage across nodes and workloads directly from the Dashboard for optimal resource allocation.


The Kubernetes Dashboard provides a powerful, user-friendly interface to manage and monitor your Kubernetes clusters effectively. By following these steps and utilizing the provided functionalities, you can enhance the operational efficiency and security of your Kubernetes deployments.